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Water levels at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant ‘critical’ after dam collapsesin Ukraine.

Water levels at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant ‘critical’ after dam collapses
in Ukraine. Water levels have fallen below a critical point for being able
to supply cooling water to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, the
operator of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine has said.

 Mirror 8th June 2023

June 11, 2023 Posted by | safety, Ukraine | Leave a comment

US presidential candidate Nikki Haley says that arming Ukraine is “preventing war”

US presidential candidate Nikki Haley insists on WW3 if Ukraine loses, 9 June 23,

The Republican presidential candidate explained that the only way to prevent war was to “send a message” by fighting one

Allowing Ukraine to lose to Russia on the battlefield will unleash world war, according to US Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley. The former South Carolina governor told a town hall audience in Iowa on Sunday that arming Kiev was all about “preventing war” by “sending a message” to America’s rivals. 

When Ukraine wins, that sends a message to China with Taiwan, it sends a message to Iran that wants to build a bomb, it sends a message to North Korea testing ballistic missiles, it sends a message to Russia that it’s over.”

“It is in the best interests of America, it is in the best interests of our national security for Ukraine to win. We have to see this through, we have to finish it,” Haley declared. 

Regarding how the war might finish, Haley was less forthcoming. “It would end in a day if Russia would pull out,” she suggested. “If Ukraine pulls out, then we’re all looking at world war.” To prevent that, she explained, Kiev needed weapons – lots of them.

A win for Ukraine is a win for all of us, because tyrants tell us exactly what they’re gonna do,” Haley continued, claiming “Russia said Poland and the Baltics are next,” should Ukraine fall. “If that happens, we’re looking at a world war,” she repeated.

While much has been written about the possibility of a Russian invasion of Poland or the Baltic states, even most US experts admit these are unlikely. Invading any of those countries would trigger Article 5, NATO’s mutual-defense clause, turning a conflict many have described as a proxy war between Moscow and Brussels into a direct war between nuclear powers. 

Haley has been quick to set herself apart on foreign policy matters from Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, who quipped earlier this year that it was the US, not Russia, that needed regime change, and from challenger Ron DeSantis, who downplayed the conflict in Ukraine as a “territorial dispute.” 

During the town hall, she again scoffed at the notion of remaining neutral in the conflict, insisting “This is a war about freedom and it’s one we have to win.

While Haley served as US ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, she made no secret of her interventionist leanings, even announcing an unexpected round of sanctions against Russia that the White House then had to retract. She has urged the Biden administration to give in to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s demands for F-16 fighter jets for months and impose even more sanctions, insisting Washington is too soft on Moscow.

June 11, 2023 Posted by | USA, weapons and war | Leave a comment

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant used water from the destroyed Nova Kakhovka dam. What happens now?

By Felicity Ripper with wires, ABC, 9 June 23

One of the world’s largest nuclear power plants relies on a water reservoir linked to the destroyed Nova Kakhovka dam.

So what does that mean for the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant? 

What is the relationship between Nova Kakhovka dam and the Zaporizhzhia plant?

The main line of water used at the plant is pumped out of the reservoir above the dam, and up to the site.

This reservoir is currently draining because the downstream dam has collapsed………………………

But isn’t the plant in shutdown? 

Zaporizhzhia was placed in a cold shutdown in September 2022. 

While it doesn’t need the large amounts of water it would while operating normally, it still needs some supplies for cooling. 

Dwindling water supplies also complicate any future prospects of restarting the power plant. 

Has the plant lost its water supply from the dam reservoir? 

Not yet. 

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi said water could still be pumped out for a few days after the dam’s collapse. 

“The rate may reduce as the water lowers,” he said. 

Mr Grossi on Tuesday said that the water in the reservoir was sitting at 16.5m, and once it reached 2.7m it could no longer be pumped out. 

He said while there was no reason for panic, the plant was facing a serious situation. …………………………..

June 11, 2023 Posted by | safety, Ukraine | Leave a comment

Letter. Nuclear plan raises suspicions

By Carrie Parks, Vancouver, June 9, 2023,

I am opposed to using my ratepayer money to subsidize a study for Energy Northwest (Formerly WPPSS or “Whoops”) to start developing small modular nuclear reactors.

First, this idea seems to be getting rushed through without enough public attention or comment. That raises my suspicions right there. Second, WPPSS already stuck the taxpayers of this state once before with huge expenses when nuclear power failed, causing the second-largest municipal bond default in U.S. history.

Third, they are justifying nuclear power to help get us off fossil fuels, but this is a false argument. We still have no way to safely store nuclear waste, which can remain dangerously radioactive for thousands of years. So to build multiple plants that will create more such waste will only substitute one type of environmental poison for another.

We need to find solutions that work in concert with nature, not ones that destroy it. I suggest you review the website, which has many practical, science-based ways to both conserve and create energy to meet our needs in a much safer and responsible manner.

June 11, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment