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A reader’s scathing rebuke on this site’s use of Tucker Carlson article

Cher , 9 June 23, Tucker Carlson wants to start a nuclear war with China. He is from a very rich rightwing family. He is no independent thinker. He preached overt racism, and hate propaganda, for Murdoch, for years. Murdochs ego, could not take the competiton, so Murdoch fired him. He continues his racist hate.

Carlson took the side of mass shooters that killed many school children and innocents, in the large uptick of racist mass shootings and murders, that has occured because of, and since Trump started more rampages.

Carlson defended anyone, being able to get military assault rifles. He has put so many children, black people, chinese people, brown people, women, gay people at risk for harm and murder, with his subtle and not so subtle bigotry and propaganda, that it it is beyond belief

Carlson has championed martial law, show trials for political enemies, fascist dictators, and other authoritarian governments. People in the Usa, know him
He blames women and minorities for many things. Typical fascist scapegoater. How can you say, a monster like him is an independent thinker?

June 11, 2023 - Posted by | PERSONAL STORIES

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