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Diplomacy the best hope in dealing with Iran’s nuclear ambitions

Give nuclear talks a chance, Haaretz, 12 April 12,  The talks due to be renewed in Istanbul on Saturday between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council along with Germany have already been dubbed “the last diplomatic opportunity.”

Despite this, it is doubtful the meeting will yield decisive results
that would calm down the West and Israel, or, alternatively, make it
clear there is no other option but a military offensive.
There have been reports that U.S. President Barack Obama will present
a more flexible stance regarding the development of Iran’s nuclear
program for peaceful purposes. The Iranians have declared their
intention of enriching only a limited amount of uranium to a
20-percent level, which is a potential transition stage to
weapons-grade fuel. These reports indicate both sides will present
proposals that could form a basis for continued dialogue.

Israel does not believe, perhaps rightly so, in the power of diplomacy
to remove the Iranian threat. It continues to brandish the sword of
attack on Iran. …. At this stage, and at least until the diplomatic
move’s results are clear, the ball is in the court of the world
powers, which fear an Israeli attack no less than the Iranian nuclear
weapon. Such an attack, the leading nations presume, could embroil the
region in war, undermine stability and damage their vital interests.

Israel can take credit for the international mobilization, designed to
prevent Iran from developing a nuclear program for military purposes.
But it also means Israel must not dismiss in advance the diplomatic
effort and treat it as redundant and hopeless.

Israel’s confidence in its ability to attack Iranian nuclear sites
successfully may be valid; but the cost in life such an attack would
exact and the risk of confrontation with the international powers
following a disputed attack require Israel to support the diplomatic
move, refrain from judging it before it has begun – and first and
foremost listen to what all sides have to say.

April 12, 2012 - Posted by | general

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