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UK energy chief hides the truth, under his pro nuclear hype

“It’s ironic that Huhne should be singing the praises of the nuclear industry at Hinkley Point just days after an independent report revealed that soil around the Somerset power station is heavily contaminated with cancer-causing enriched uranium.

(UK) Campaigners slam energy secretary’s attempts to hide truth about nuclear energy, Stop Nuclear Power Network, 24 Jan 2011, Following Chris Huhne’s visit to Hinkley Point nuclear power station in West Somerset today, campaign group Kick Nuclear has slammed the Energy Secretary’s glowing appraisal of the government’s consultation on the revised draft National Policy Statements on energy infrastructure and its plans for a new generation of nuclear power stations.

Kick Nuclear spokeswoman Nancy Birch commented:”It’s ironic that Huhne should be singing the praises of the nuclear industry at Hinkley Point just days after an independent report revealed that soil around the Somerset power station is heavily contaminated with cancer-causing enriched uranium.

The government’s indifference to the dangers of nuclear power and its waste products is astonishing.Members of Kick Nuclear and other anti-nuclear groups attended the three main consultations on the proposed National Policy Statements on energy infrastructure and have branded the process ‘blatant greenwash.’
“The consultation process completely failed to acknowledge that there is no scientifically proven way of storing nuclear waste over the long-term,’ Nancy continued. “Until this issue is resolved, it’s irresponsible to give the go-ahead to a new generation of nuclear power stations. It’s like telling people they can carry on smoking because sooner or later someone will find a cure for cancer.”

Kick Nuclear points out that nuclear power will offer too little, too late to help bridge the energy gap. Two EPR reactors being built in France and Finland are running years behind schedule and BILLIONS of pounds over budget. The EPR – designed by French company Areva, which EDF intends to build at Hinkley Point, at Sizewell in Suffolk and elsewhere – is untried and untested. Leaked EDF documents have also shown that there are serious safety flaws in the design…….

Stop Nuclear Power Network: Campaigners slam energy secretary’s attempts to hide truth about nuclear energy

February 7, 2011 - Posted by | spinbuster, UK

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