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Surveillance of USA by unmanned drones

Unmanned drones, controlled by Air National Guard from Hancock Airfield, will fly over the Adirondacks February 06, 2011, If you feel like you’re being watched while floating in a canoe or driving along some lonely road in the Adirondacks this summer, you might be right.In June, the New York Air National Guard’s 174th Fighter Wing in Syracuse plans to begin regular unmanned surveillance flights from Fort Drum over the Adirondacks………….

The new training mission shows the Syracuse air guard unit’s prominence in the growing role of unmanned military aircraft. It also hints at the looming issues of civil liberties and air safety that come with government surveillance by unmanned aircraft over American soil…..

Unmanned drones, controlled by Air National Guard from Hancock Airfield, will fly over the Adirondacks |

February 7, 2011 - Posted by | civil liberties

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