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“Pre-emptve” arrests of environmental campaigners

(UK) Undercover police scandal: why we urgently need a judge-led inquiry, The Ecologist,  Dan Glass 21st January, 2011 With daily revelations about police spying on activists, we need an independent judicial investigation into the scale and nature of infiltration and use of agents provocateurs, says Ratcliffe defendant Dan Glass
It started with the 26 individuals who had been charged with planning to shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station for one week. The individuals were part of the 114 arrested at the Iona School in Nottingham on Easter Monday, 2009. The incident was the largest pre-emptive arrest of environmental campaigners in recent history and prompted widespread concerns for civil liberties. Now these concerns have deepened to unimagined depths………
They had a trial late last November, and were found guilty after being accused by the prosecution of merely seeking publicity. Undercover police scandal: why we urgently need a judge-led inquiry – Comment – The Ecologist

February 7, 2011 - Posted by | civil liberties, UK

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