
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

UK energy chief hides the truth, under his pro nuclear hype

“It’s ironic that Huhne should be singing the praises of the nuclear industry at Hinkley Point just days after an independent report revealed that soil around the Somerset power station is heavily contaminated with cancer-causing enriched uranium.

(UK) Campaigners slam energy secretary’s attempts to hide truth about nuclear energy, Stop Nuclear Power Network, 24 Jan 2011, Following Chris Huhne’s visit to Hinkley Point nuclear power station in West Somerset today, campaign group Kick Nuclear has slammed the Energy Secretary’s glowing appraisal of the government’s consultation on the revised draft National Policy Statements on energy infrastructure and its plans for a new generation of nuclear power stations. Continue reading

February 7, 2011 Posted by | spinbuster, UK | Leave a comment

As legal case is delayed, Hanford nuclear victims are dying

The clandestine 1949 test was among the early Hanford releases that raised thyroid cancer risks to 16,000 infants and small children who drank milk from cows eating contaminated grass, the dose reconstruction study conducted a half-century later would conclude.

Hanford radiation plaintiff near death –, Karen Dorn Steele,  – Feb. 5, 2011 A woman suing Hanford contractors over her thyroid cancer, whose request for an expedited federal trial was denied last year by a Spokane judge, lies near death in a Longview, Wash., hospice. Continue reading

February 7, 2011 Posted by | Legal, USA | Leave a comment

Illegal surveillance of Americans in the time of Patriot Act

the civil liberties of Americans are at a greater risk of being compromised than civil libertarians previously thought.

Report shows how FBI chronically compromised civil liberties | CAIVN, by Chris Hinyub 4 Feb 2011, A relatively ignored study has put into stark relief the cons of an emerging surveillance culture in America. According to information uncovered by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Federal Bureau of Investigation has a startling track record of illegal and intrusive intelligence investigation practices. Continue reading

February 7, 2011 Posted by | civil liberties, USA | Leave a comment

“Pre-emptve” arrests of environmental campaigners

(UK) Undercover police scandal: why we urgently need a judge-led inquiry, The Ecologist,  Dan Glass 21st January, 2011 With daily revelations about police spying on activists, we need an independent judicial investigation into the scale and nature of infiltration and use of agents provocateurs, says Ratcliffe defendant Dan Glass
It started with the 26 individuals who had been charged with planning to shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station for one week. The individuals were part of the 114 arrested at the Iona School in Nottingham on Easter Monday, 2009. The incident was the largest pre-emptive arrest of environmental campaigners in recent history and prompted widespread concerns for civil liberties. Now these concerns have deepened to unimagined depths………
They had a trial late last November, and were found guilty after being accused by the prosecution of merely seeking publicity. Undercover police scandal: why we urgently need a judge-led inquiry – Comment – The Ecologist

February 7, 2011 Posted by | civil liberties, UK | Leave a comment

US govt health consultancy cancels nuclear test veterans’ meeting

Veteran’s fury as A-bomb meeting cancelled  – Shields Gazette, By TERRY KELLY Feb 06 AN angry nuclear test veteran from South Tyneside today slammed as “absolutely disgraceful” the cancellation of a special meeting for A-bomb ex-servicemen in the region.A focus group for men who witnessed nuclear tests without any protective clothing in the 1950s was due to be held in Tyneside next month.But now the health consultancy, appointed by the Government to carry out a health audit of the nuclear test veterans, has cancelled the event……. Veteran’s fury as A-bomb meeting cancelled – Health – Shields Gazette

February 7, 2011 Posted by | general | Leave a comment

Fight will continue to stop radioactive shipment across Great Lakes

The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities initiative — representing 73 cities, on both sides of the borders, from Thunder Bay to Rimouski, Que. — says its own analysis of the proposed [radioactive] shipment shows that it violates safety regulations.

Critics of Bruce Power say fight is ‘not over’, Dan Robson, 5 Feb 2011, A controversial decision to allow Bruce Power to ship 16 radioactive, school-bus sized generators through the Great Lakes will be met with protests and appeals to the Harper government, critics say. Continue reading

February 7, 2011 Posted by | Canada, opposition to nuclear | Leave a comment

Surveillance of USA by unmanned drones

Unmanned drones, controlled by Air National Guard from Hancock Airfield, will fly over the Adirondacks February 06, 2011, If you feel like you’re being watched while floating in a canoe or driving along some lonely road in the Adirondacks this summer, you might be right. Continue reading

February 7, 2011 Posted by | civil liberties | Leave a comment