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UK govt closes scheme to fund small scale reneweble energy

Cameron axes renewable energy grant,, May 24, 2010  by Jim Pickard David Cameron, in his original incarnation as Tory leader, was an advocate of the green agenda; cycling everywhere, visiting the Arctic (albeit by plane) and fixing a wind turbine to the roof of his west London home. (No matter that he was forced to take it down due to complex planning issues).Yet the new prime minister has just axed a major scheme (the “Low Carbon Buildings Programme”) that gave grants for households and companies to put solar panels or wind turbines on their premises. So far it has helped 20,000……………The Renewable Energy Association says:”The announcement has increased the sense of uncertainty faced by the UK’s infant renewable heat industry.” Cameron axes renewable energy grant | Westminster Blog |

May 25, 2010 - Posted by | politics, UK | , , , ,

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